The Champ Picks Review

John Morrison also known as by all Clickbank purchasers “The Sports Betting Champ” is a Cornell graduate. The Champ Picks is his 2nd product to be released and is an improvement on the original.

John Morrison has maintained a winning percentage of 97% of all sports bets that he has placed. Now betting money like he does is probably making you think to yourself, why if he is winning most of his bets would he be selling his system to people. Do you know how many sports betting accounts and bookmakers are out there? It is impossible to deflate the prices he is getting for his bets given that there are so many bookmakers ready to sign you up today.

Tony Chau The Champ Picks Review
The Champ Picks Review

Now you will see that there are people talking bad about the Sports Betting Champ system and complaints saying that he is a fraudster but those people in my view have not followed the system the way he intended it to be used and have let emotion take over their betting.

Every punter knows this is the worst way to bet, when you have lost for example 2 in a row and are ‘chasing’ so to speak you can let emotion get in the way and bet against the way you would normally bet. What is the outcome of this? Most of the time you end up losing.

The Champ Picks Review Tony Chau
The Champ Picks by Tony Chau

There is the odd occurence where you will get lucky, but for most of us this is a very unlikely outcome. The Champ Picks is no different. You need to stick to the method and play it exactly how he tells you to.

Champ Picks Review – Do your research

Now I want you all to do something for me before buying and that is to do a Google Search of the following terms. The only reason why I want you to do this is because there are 2 sides of the fence and you have to be sure of which side you want to be on. The following search terms I want you to look for are:

‘sports betting champ review’
‘sports betting champ scam’
‘sports betting champ negative reviews’

 exterminator betting system pdf

You will see there are people for and against this system and let me tell you why. This system is what is known as a chase system. Does that automatically mean that it is bad? The answer is no.

Unless you have the money to cover the chase you could wind up in a complete mess. Basically the betting structure of the sports betting champ system relies on a 3 tier system, meaning that there is 3 bets to one cycle / win.

There was one stage where you actually would of needed $800 to cover all of the bets for an original $50 outlay. The bet came in and showed a profit but had that bet not have came in you would of been down $800.

Here is your original bet of $100 which lost, then a bet of $250 which also lost and then your final bet of $450 where the bet came in and you were back in profit.

One other thing I will mention before you click through and have a look at the system for yourself is that John Morrison is not actually the guys name.

Now it is anyones guess why he chose to go by the name of John Morrison but you will find that a lot of Internet Marketers and Product Marketers don’t go by their birth name and that can be for a number of reasons and doesn’t actually mean that they are hiding behind a scam. Truth is some people just like to remain private and live private lives.

Just take a look at our celebrities. They get all the money and fame to go with it but people like Charlie Sheen or Katy Perry can’t exactly just take a stroll down the street now can they? His real name is Tony Chau. You can do a search on him if you like.

Tony Chau is rumoured to have made $50,000 a week out of sports betting or $2,600,000 for the year. There is money to be made in Sports Betting and there is definitely money to be made with the Champ Picks but you need to make sure it is for you before getting started.

To take a look at The Sports Betting Champ click here now.